vrijdag 10 oktober 2014

OCTOBER OPEN HOUSE:he 2014 Halloween Monster Invasion

For details go to the following link page

van 10:00 tot 16:00 in EDT


Welcome to the NJ HiRailers Fan Page!!! Stop back weekly for the lastest happenings! To see more action, check outwww.njhirailers.com.
The Mission of the NJ Hi-Railers Train Club, as a Not-for-Profit organization, is to provide a place of fellowship, a place to meet others that have the same interests, and a place for wholesome fun for those interested in any of the aspects of 3 rail O gauge modeling. As a 3 rail O Gauge club, we welcome participation of anyone with an interest in learning more about the history of railroads and subways, train operations, wiring and the distribution of power on the layout, and the building of scenery on the layouts.
The Club is a non-profit organization composed of 3-rail model railroad enthusiasts, drawn together by the desire to enjoy, and contribute to, some of the finest track work, modeling, electronics and 3-rail operation to be found anywhere in the O gauge arena. Your knowledge, skills and interests are very important to the Club's future. This is true whether you're an accomplished master builder or a newcomer to the hobby with little more than a desire to learn.

We are also on Twitter by typing "@njhirailers", and on YouTube at


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